Alrashid Cyber Mall Business Center
The aim of
Alrashid Cyber Mall Business Center
is to introduce new markets from all over the world to
Saudi Arabian Markets.

Nova* Stars* Information Services
Member of the BizWiz! System.
For Saudi trade and
business information's and links visit

People, Not
Just Computers.
Saudi Network
Trade and Business Information's and Links to Saudi Arabia, Arabian
Gulf and Middle East area.
The Saudi Business Center
A focal point for the exchange of business
opportunities and knowledge between the private sectors in The International World and
Saudi Arabia.
BizWiz! System
Now you can directly access the Business CHAT & BBS FORUM Network
from Al-Rashid Cyber Mall and conveniently POST in 300 FORUMS and get into over 300 CHAT
discussions with other business and professional people.
This Network is a project of Access Business Online and is made available to the business
and professional community as part of our services.
Information Resources
Is one of the leading IT Recruiting and services companies in the Eastern Region
of Saudi Arabia.
Our services assist companies as well as individual staffing professionals reach their IT
requirements objectives.